Celestial Tarot Cards Instructions 78 Cards

Celestial tarot cards instructions 78 cards – Celestial Tarot Cards: Instructions for the 78 Celestial Cards, an exploration of the cosmos through the lens of tarot, unveils the profound symbolism and celestial influences embedded within each card. This guide delves into the origins, unique characteristics, and practical applications of these celestial tools, empowering readers to harness their wisdom for personal growth and divine guidance.

From the celestial realms to the earthly plane, this comprehensive guide illuminates the celestial tarot’s rich tapestry of imagery and symbolism. Each of the 78 cards is meticulously described, revealing their astrological correspondences, elemental associations, and divinatory meanings. With detailed explanations and insightful interpretations, this guide provides a profound understanding of the celestial tarot’s profound messages.

Celestial Tarot Cards: Introduction

Celestial tarot cards instructions 78 cards

Celestial tarot cards are a unique deck of 78 cards that incorporate celestial and astrological symbolism into traditional tarot imagery. They draw inspiration from the ancient wisdom of astrology, astronomy, and the esoteric arts, offering a powerful tool for self-discovery, guidance, and connection to the cosmos.

The origins of celestial tarot cards can be traced back to the early 20th century, with notable contributions from astrologers and tarot enthusiasts such as Aleister Crowley and Eden Gray. These cards combine the archetypal meanings of traditional tarot with the symbolism of the planets, constellations, and celestial bodies, creating a rich and multifaceted system for divination and self-exploration.

Compared to traditional tarot cards, celestial tarot cards offer a distinct perspective by incorporating the cosmic realm into their imagery. They provide insights into our relationship with the universe, our place within the celestial tapestry, and the influence of cosmic energies on our lives.

78 Celestial Tarot Cards: Overview: Celestial Tarot Cards Instructions 78 Cards

Celestial tarot cards instructions 78 cards

Major Arcana

  • 0. The Fool : Represents new beginnings, adventure, and stepping into the unknown.
  • I. The Magician: Symbolizes creativity, manifestation, and the power of intention.
  • II. The High Priestess: Represents intuition, wisdom, and connection to the divine feminine.
  • III. The Empress: Embodies fertility, abundance, and the creative power of nature.
  • IV. The Emperor: Represents authority, structure, and the masculine principle.
  • V. The Hierophant: Symbolizes tradition, conformity, and religious or spiritual beliefs.
  • VI. The Lovers: Represents relationships, choices, and the balance between love and reason.
  • VII. The Chariot: Embodies determination, willpower, and the journey towards success.
  • VIII. Strength: Symbolizes courage, inner strength, and the ability to overcome obstacles.
  • IX. The Hermit: Represents introspection, solitude, and the search for wisdom.
  • X. The Wheel of Fortune: Embodies change, destiny, and the cyclical nature of life.
  • XI. Justice: Represents balance, karma, and the law of cause and effect.
  • XII. The Hanged Man: Symbolizes sacrifice, surrender, and a shift in perspective.
  • XIII. Death: Represents transformation, endings, and new beginnings.
  • XIV. Temperance: Embodies balance, moderation, and the integration of opposites.
  • XV. The Devil: Symbolizes temptation, addiction, and the shadow self.
  • XVI. The Tower: Represents sudden change, upheaval, and the destruction of old structures.
  • XVII. The Star: Embodies hope, inspiration, and connection to the divine.
  • XVIII. The Moon: Symbolizes intuition, illusion, and the subconscious mind.
  • XIX. The Sun: Represents success, joy, and the fulfillment of potential.
  • XX. Judgement: Embodies rebirth, renewal, and the consequences of our actions.
  • XXI. The World: Symbolizes completion, wholeness, and the integration of all aspects of life.

Minor Arcana

  • Wands: Represent passion, creativity, and the element of fire.
  • Cups: Symbolize emotions, relationships, and the element of water.
  • Swords: Represent intellect, communication, and the element of air.
  • Pentacles: Embody stability, finances, and the element of earth.

Celestial Tarot Card Readings: Methods

Single-Card Readings

Drawing a single card can provide a quick insight into a specific question or situation. Focus on the card’s symbolism, meanings, and how it relates to your current circumstances.

Three-Card Spread

The three-card spread offers a more in-depth look at a particular issue. The first card represents the past, the second card represents the present, and the third card represents the future.

Celtic Cross Spread

The Celtic Cross spread is a complex layout that provides a comprehensive overview of a situation. It involves drawing ten cards in a specific pattern, each representing a different aspect of the issue.

Interpreting Card Combinations

When reading celestial tarot cards, it’s essential to consider the combinations of cards that appear together. Each card influences the meaning of the others, creating a nuanced and multi-layered interpretation.

Celestial Tarot Card Readings: Applications

Personal Growth

Celestial tarot cards can be used for self-reflection, exploring your strengths and weaknesses, and gaining insights into your life path.

Guidance and Decision-Making

The cards can provide guidance on important decisions, offering perspectives and insights that may not be immediately apparent.

Divination, Celestial tarot cards instructions 78 cards

Celestial tarot cards can be used for divination, predicting future events or outcomes. However, it’s important to approach this aspect with caution and respect.


A person seeking guidance on a career change might draw the following cards: The Magician (creativity), The Wheel of Fortune (change), and The Sun (success). This combination could suggest that the person has the potential to succeed in a new career path, but they need to embrace change and manifest their intentions.


What are Celestial Tarot Cards?

Celestial Tarot Cards are a unique deck of 78 cards that incorporate celestial influences, astrological correspondences, and elemental associations into their imagery and symbolism.

How do I read Celestial Tarot Cards?

There are various methods for reading Celestial Tarot Cards. Common techniques include the one-card draw, three-card spread, and Celtic Cross spread. Each method offers unique insights and can be tailored to specific questions or areas of life.

What are the benefits of using Celestial Tarot Cards?

Celestial Tarot Cards can provide profound insights into personal growth, spiritual awakening, and decision-making. They offer a celestial perspective, connecting readers to the wisdom of the stars and the divine.